Badger Alerts: Low Battery and Lack of Checkin

This article provides insights on Low Battery Alerts and Lack-of-Checkin Alerts for 911Cellular Wireless Devices

When the badger battery falls below 3.50V, low battery alerts are triggered. These alerts are sent out daily as long as the device continues to check in.

If the device fails to check in for a minimum of 24 hours for stationary devices and 72 hours for non-stationary devices, a lack-of-checkin notification is sent out once per day for a continuous period of 6 days, regardless of the battery status.

Who is notified about these alerts?

Notifications are sent via email to the email address associated with the badger, as well as to Admins and Zone Admins. Additionally, text messages are sent to the phone number linked to the badger.

How can I stop receiving the alerts?

Admins and Zone Admins can opt out of receiving alerts via two methods

Opt out Via profile

Go to 

Toggle off “Notify on low battery or lack of checkin for wireless panic buttons”

Opt out via Portal users

An Admin or Zone Admin can update user notification preferences for low battery and lack of checkin alerts

Go to Portal Users

Click on the edit icon on the portal user to be opted out of the notifications

Uncheck the “Notify on low battery or lack of checkin for wireless panic buttons”

Click on “update” to save.