How Does An End User Trigger the BadgeR+?

This article dives into BadgeR+ configurations as they relate to triggering an alert.

The BadgeR+ offers three ways to activate it: single click, double click, and press-and-hold. Each activation method allows for unique actions. This means that an alert triggered by a single click can notify different individuals and send different content compared to alerts triggered by double click or press-and-hold.

All configurations related to these options can be managed by System Administrators on this page: Wireless Panic Button Configuration

Managing activation methods

You can enable and disable activation methods by toggling the radio button next to each method on/off: 


The above example shows a configuration that has single click disabled, and double click plus press-and-hold enabled. 

Associating activation methods to an incident type

Associating each activation method to an incident type is a great way to leverage the BadgeR+ for a variety of use cases. To associate an activation method to an Incident Type, simply click the dropdown to see and select the Incident Type you wish to associate. 

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If you do not see an Incident Type, it's likely that you have not yet setup any or, that the configurations are incorrect. Here's an article that goes through Incident Type Configurations. 

If you don't wish to associate an Incident Type to an activation method, simply leave this dropdown empty.