How to Log Into 911Cellular Dispatcher App

A step-by-step guide for logging into the Dispatcher App

The following process is required for logging into the Dispatcher App using your 911Cellular Portal credentials, OAuth, SAML, or SSO, making it essential for users seeking secure and efficient access. By following these instructions, users can navigate the login process seamlessly, ensuring a smoother experience. 

1. Add a System Environment Variable named DISPATCHER_BASEURL .  Its value should be "" (if your organization uses a vanity URL, your custom URL should be used instead).

2. Click on the Windows Start Menu

3. Search for "911CellularDispatcher" or click on "All Apps"

4. Click "911CellularDispatcher" to launch App

5. Click "Login"

6. Sign in with your credentials. Depending on your organization's URL, the sign in page may appear differently.


7. Click on "Open portal" when prompted

8. When successful, the Dispatcher App will launch to the dashboard, indicating the user has logged in.