911Cellular Security Camera Configuration and Setup

Everything you need to know to configure security cameras inside 911cellular.

The 911Cellular Security Camera integration requires either that you have a MJPEG URI OR a static image URI for your camera.  Different model cameras will have different paths for this URI but many cameras will have it accessible on port 80 on the root path.  Defer to the documentation for your particular camera for the path for the MJPEG URI. 

  1. Go to https://portal.publicsafetycloud.net/manage-devices/manage-cameras
  2. Click on Add Camera
  3. Enter Camera Name, Camera Uri
  4. Select the zone that you wish this camera to be present for.
    1. One recommendation is that you put the cameras facing the entrance and exit for a building at the building level and the cameras for the floor specified down to the floor or room specificity.  This will ensure that the building entrance and exit is always included in events from that building.
  5. Refresh image on interval - Should only be checked if you have a static image from the camera that needs to be requested on an interval.

Finding my MJPEG URL

  • Login to the camera in your web browser.
  • Find the view of the camera that you wish to use.
  • Right Click on the view of the camera
  • “Copy Image URL”
  • Paste this into a new incognito browser window
  • If this results in a real time updated view of the camera then you’ve found your url
  • If this prompts for user and password then you will need to add authentication data to it.  See below.
  • If this results in a static image that is not updated then you have found your url and you need to click the “Refresh image on interval”


  • Some cameras may require authentication.  We support this by including the authentication in the URI provided.
  • Use the following format.  http://username:password@
  • Special characters in the password can cause the password not to work.  Please remove @, ?, : characters from your password if you are having trouble authenticating. 
  • Note: If you provide a username and password over HTTP, then this user and password is transmitted in clear and readable format.  911cellular supports this for compatibility but does not recommend this practice.  If this practice is used then the password should not be repeated on other resources and should be considered fundamentally insecure.


A note on security.  Security cameras of yesteryear are painfully insecure and even when they do support HTTPS and passwords they rarely take methods to eliminate brute force attacks and other exploits.  Security Camera networks should be completely separate from other networks on your campus unless all cameras support HTTPS, authentication and have mechanisms to prevent brute force.  Please be aware of this in your planning.