What Do BadgeR+ Error Codes Represent?

Reviewing the various error code and what each represents

An improperly configured BadgeR+ will display certain error codes. These error codes will be displayed via the Status Indicator Light after the Battery Button has been pressed.


It may take some time for the Status Indicator Light to display an error code as the device is attempting to connect. The error codes are as follows:

Status Indicator Light blinks red 3 (three) times

If a Status Indicator Light blinks red 3 (three) times, this BadgeR+ is NOT connected to a Wi-Fi network.

Status Indicator Light blinks orange 6 (six) times

If a Status Indicator Light blinks orange 6 (six) times, this BadgeR+ can NOT detect Wi-Fi Access Points within range that exist within the 911Cellular system.

Status Indicator Light blinks pink 7 (seven) times

If a Status Indicator Light blinks pink 7 (seven) times, this BadgeR+ was able to connect to a Wi-Fi Access Point, but failed to be assigned an IP address by the network’s DHCP server.

Status Indicator Light blinks yellow 9 (nine) times

If a Status Indicator Light blinks yellow 9 (nine) times, this BadgeR+ is unable to communicate with the 911Cellular servers.

Status Indicator Light cycles between RGB (red, green, blue)

If a Status Indicator Light cycles between RGB (red, green, blue) then white within a 5 (five) second timeframe, this BadgeR+ is going through the unconfigured sequence (also accompanied by a vibration and cycling of the Battery Indicator Lights). To remedy this, configure the device.

Troubleshooting charging the device

If a device does NOT indicate that it is charging (the three Battery Indicator Lights do NOT cycle on and off after pressing the Battery Button while the device is charging), attempt to connect the charger to a different power source.