Who Gets Low Battery Alerts?

The BadgeR+ is able to deliver low battery alerts to an unlimited number of Portal Users.

Administrators have the ability to manage the recipients of low battery alerts by configuring the settings during the creation or editing of Portal Users. If you want a specific Portal User to receive low battery alerts, simply ensure that the option to receive these alerts is selected and checked. This way, the user will be notified when their device's battery is running low.

low bat

Low battery alerts are delivered via email to the designated recipients. This means that the individuals who are responsible for managing the devices can stay informed about the battery status of their devices. By enabling the option to receive these alerts during the creation or editing of Portal Users, administrators can ensure that the right individuals are kept in the loop. This proactive approach allows for timely action to be taken when a device's battery is running low, preventing any potential disruptions or downtime. So, whether it's a specific Portal User or a group of users, they can receive these alerts and take appropriate measures to ensure that their devices are always powered up and ready for use.