This article provides a guide on how to rollout Computer Panic Buttons (CPB) to Windows operating systems across your organization
- Create Security Zones
*Learn more here - Whitelist SSID(s)
*Learn more here - For a silent rollout (no input from end users) upload machines for computers on ethernet and upload Access Points for the computers on WiFi. If institution decides to not pre-upload computers and access points, end users will get a prompt ask them to select their location upon initial launch of the CPB
- Download the cpb.msi from the web portal
Settings → Applications → Computer Panic Buttons → Downloads → Windows Installer (cpb.msi) - Navigate to Administrator Command Prompt:
Search for Command Prompt from the start menu → right click → Run as administrator
*Replace the network path with the path to the msi on your network.
Command Prompt
setx /M InstitutionId 111 & msiexec.exe /i \\network\path\to\msi\cpb.msi /qn & set InstitutionId=111 &
"C:\Program Files (x86)\911Cellular\Computer Panic Button\CPBupdater.exe"
setx /M InstitutionId 111 & msiexec.exe /i \\network\path\to\msi\cpb.msi /qn & set InstitutionId=111 & "C:\Program Files (x86)\911Cellular\Computer Panic Button\CPBupdater.exe"
This will initiate a silent install that will launch the application.